We work with research partners to collect data and recommendations based on our hometown, Rocky Mount.

Recent Research Initiatives:

  • Healthy FAM Report

    With support from the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust, leadership from the Upper Coastal Plain Council of Governments, and the active collaboration of a diverse group of local and regional partners and stakeholders, this Healthy Food Access Mapping (Healthy FAM) initiative aims to improve public understanding of the regional food system, address barriers related to access to healthy, local foods and increase equitable economic opportunities by developing a more resilient regional food and agriculture value chain.

  • Sowing the Seeds for Urban Agriculture in Rocky Mount, NC

    The primary purpose of this report is to add to the Just Food Collaborative’s knowledge bank as they continue to work with the City and the community to identify an appropriate path forward for urban agriculture. This report has three main components, including a discussion of urban agriculture and the role of municipal zoning in supporting it, an examination of Rocky Mount’s current zoning ordinance and other ordinances relevant to urban agriculture and an analysis of urban agriculture ordinances in nine other municipalities.